Saturday, June 19, 2010

Team Training Week at Camp Paumalu

View of Sunset Town, on the way to Camp Paumalu.

Team training week was a BLAST!!!!  All the teams from all the islands flew in to camp at Camp Paumalu for the whole week!  There were about 150 of us, representing Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Lanai, Maui and the Big Island! 

The funnest day was when we went to the high ropes course in Kualoa Valley!  I've never been in there before, it's BEAUTIFUL and AMAZING and GORGEOUS!  We even got to drive by all the places where famous movie stars have been, like the set from LOST, Jurassic Park, Mighty Joe Young, and 50 First Dates!  There were so many movie sets!  I even got to see a giant dinosaur foot print! 

The high ropes course was super fun and also scary!  I was nervous, but my whole team was there cheering eachother on!   The easiest course was the zip line!  You just sit, relax, and cruz!  We climbed like 70 feet up trees and then walked on cables strung from tree to tree!  It was so much fun!  We did lots of other teambuilding activities at Camp Paumalu, but the high ropes was the best!

We also got to do a service project in Waimea Valley!  It's just as stunning at Kualoa Valley!  But it's way more spiritual!  All 150 of us stood in a big circle and chanted an oli, asking for knowledge from our ancestors.  It gave me chicken skin!  My team helped out with trail maintenace, cutting down the invasive coffee trees and planting native Lama and Ohe makai.  It felt good to malama the aina! 

I also have a really good team and a really good co-leader!  My team is so well behaved!  We're gonna have lots of fun this summer!  Our first week will be with Papahana Kualoa, clearing invasive trees, grasses, gingers, and hau bush that are clogging the stream!  Sounds like hard work?  Maybe, but it's work that the land needs and that no one else is willing to do!  :)

Don't forget to bookmark my team's blog, Oahu Fire, where I also post updates!

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