Friday, September 24, 2010

South Swell, Malta and India!

My and Ryan went night surfing last night at a new spot in Waikiki!  We paddled out to Three's and it was HUGE!  The waves were overhead and super FAST!  Ryan loved it, but I was so scared!  They were way more punchy and had more power behind them!  They were perfect for pulling off some nice turns though, after you make the steep drop!  They waves were more powerful than I expected and while I was duck-diving, the wave pushed the board back into my face and gave me a fat lip!  Luckily the swelling went down already!  :)  Ryan caught so many waves, and he buckled his board!!!  We had to go in after that.

Diamond Head was actually pretty small compared to the rest of the south shore...I was a little disappointed.

See that wave out there, that's a big wave (Ryan would say otherwise)!!!  It's near Three's, I think that spot is Pops.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE drawing and doodling!  I found out about this project that just launched, the Sketchbook Project.  Check it out and join if you can!  I wish I could join, but I don't have $25 to spend to buy a sketchbook for the tour :(  But it's ok because I have my own book, it just won't be on display!  :)

I checked my blog counter again and Malta and India were on the list of visitors!  I've never heard of Malta, so I Googled it and Malta is a small archipelago in the Mediterranean, near Sicily.  Guess what?! says there's SURFING in Malta and India!!!!!!  I have to put those on my list of places to surf!!!!!!!!

Grazzi ħafna and Hello :)


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