Thursday, September 30, 2010

Surfed Out

Everyone in Hawaii is happy this week, do you know why?  There are waves on the East, the South, the West, and the North shores!!!!  I surfed so much yesterday that I don't think I'm going to surf muscles are so sore!!!!  I don't know though I might be tempted to jump in if the waves look good again!  The wind, tide, and swells are working together to produce epic conditions!!!!

I have no idea who this guy is, but he made for a great photo subject!

 If only this spot weren't so shallow....

Buongiorno means Hello in Italian!  

Monday, September 27, 2010

2010 Honolulu Century Ride

Every year there are so many tourists, mostly Japanese, that come to Hawaii to participate in the Honolulu Century Ride.  I've never participated, but Ryan entered to do 100 miles!!!! 

Me and Mahina waited in Waikiki at the finish line:

What a beautiful day!

My dog, Mahina

Be mean!  Good girl!

Be happy!  Good girl!

Finish line!!!!  Ryan rode for 11 hours!!!!  Unfortunately he didn't make it to the finish line, I picked him up 10 miles away...his legs were so sore he could barely stand up and walk!  Poor Ryan, but luckily today he's back to normal!  I think he was a trooper and he's definitely HARD CORE!  :)  

Saving Ryan's Slippa

We were wave hunting in Waikiki when the wind blew Ryan's slipper into the Natatorium!  It was hilarious!  Ryan found some wire cord in his car and went fishing for his slipper!  I couldn't stop laughing!  Hahahahahaha!!!!  I didn't think the wire would work, but it did!

Rocky Mountain meets Cassidy

Ryan surprised me with a gift the other day!!!!  I love surprises and I love gifts!  :)  As you know, I have tried every brand of sunscreen out there to try to protect my fair skin.  But nothing seems to work as good as my new sunscreen that Ryan just bought me!!!!!  It's called Rocky Mountain and although it's not 100 SPF, it works just as good!!! And it's super water resistant, which means it's perfect for SURFING!!!!!   :)  The secret ingredient that's unique to this brand is Titanium Dioxide, also you can buy it in quart or gallon size!!!!  I think everyone should get a pump for sunscreen - it's awesome!!!!!  I don't know how I can get so excited about sunscreen, but Ryan has given me the best gift ever!  The gift of healthy, cancer-free skin!!!!!  :)   I doubt I'll need anything better than Rocky Mountain, so for now, I'm sticking with it!  And I think it'll be cheaper in the long run and be more effective!

Sunday, September 26, 2010


My dad bought a new toy!!!!!!  It's a 14 foot downwind stand up paddle board!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Friday Night Fireworks in Waikiki

Yesterday me and Ryan surfed at Rockpiles.  It was ok, kind of soft and the swell was coming in from a weird direction.  There were lots of close outs - I'm not really a fan of close outs....But it was still fun!  They always have sail boat races on Fridays, thats why there are so many of them in the water!

Afterwards, we waited around for the fireworks!!!  Fireworks never get boring!  Every Friday night in Waikiki, there's a fireworks show!  This was the first time me and Ryan got to sit UNDER the fireworks!!!  They were literally right above us and the ashes and paper were falling down around us!  I felt like if I reached my arm out I'd be able to touch them!  It was the most amazing and awesome experience ever!  The lights, the sounds, the colors, and my Ryan -  I was in heaven for a short while!  :)

Diamond Head at night, and some stars and Jupiter.

Our front row seats to the fireworks!!!  They were set up right in front of the rainbow hotel!

These pictures were taken using a simple point and shoot Canon!  Awesome yeah?  I think Ryan is going to enter one of them into a photo contest!  :)

Friday, September 24, 2010

South Swell, Malta and India!

My and Ryan went night surfing last night at a new spot in Waikiki!  We paddled out to Three's and it was HUGE!  The waves were overhead and super FAST!  Ryan loved it, but I was so scared!  They were way more punchy and had more power behind them!  They were perfect for pulling off some nice turns though, after you make the steep drop!  They waves were more powerful than I expected and while I was duck-diving, the wave pushed the board back into my face and gave me a fat lip!  Luckily the swelling went down already!  :)  Ryan caught so many waves, and he buckled his board!!!  We had to go in after that.

Diamond Head was actually pretty small compared to the rest of the south shore...I was a little disappointed.

See that wave out there, that's a big wave (Ryan would say otherwise)!!!  It's near Three's, I think that spot is Pops.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE drawing and doodling!  I found out about this project that just launched, the Sketchbook Project.  Check it out and join if you can!  I wish I could join, but I don't have $25 to spend to buy a sketchbook for the tour :(  But it's ok because I have my own book, it just won't be on display!  :)

I checked my blog counter again and Malta and India were on the list of visitors!  I've never heard of Malta, so I Googled it and Malta is a small archipelago in the Mediterranean, near Sicily.  Guess what?! says there's SURFING in Malta and India!!!!!!  I have to put those on my list of places to surf!!!!!!!!

Grazzi ħafna and Hello :)


Wednesday, September 22, 2010


I just checked my blog counter and I've got people visiting my site from 

Japan, Uruguay, United Kingdom, Puerto Rico,  Australia, and Thailand!!!! 

 That's so cool!  Makes me want to blog more now!!!!!!   :)





Sunday, September 19, 2010

Publics Rippa

Here's the best clips I got from that day I shot Ryan at Publics:

The Slaternator Wins Again

Can you believe, Kelly Slater is #1 in the world?  Of course you can!  
Wow, 10 world titles?!  He's good!

The new rankings for 2010:
1. Kelly Slater (USA) 40,000 pts
2. Jordy Smith (ZAF) 35,500 pts
3. Taj Burrow (AUS) 30,500 pts
4. Dane Reynolds (USA) 30,250 pts
5. Mick Fanning (AUS) 29,500 pts

I finally finished coloring my board!  The last step is to spray it with clear Acrylic sealer, and then it's ready for the water again!!!!  So excited!!!!!   :)

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Surfin Ryan!

Ryan is getting so much better at surfing!  He'll be pro in no time!  :)
I volunteered to be photographer one morning, and here's my best shots!

Ryan almost got barreled on this one!

One happy surfer!

Latest Project

needs some black ink....

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Chi Wedding

This was the awesomest wedding EVER!!!!!

The beautiful bride!

Mr and Mrs Chi!

SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Waves, Surfing, Smiles

Signs don't keep us out of the water!

Something is brewing out there....

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Volleyball, Doodoo Water, and the Waterman Challenge!

Thanks dad for the free volleyball tickets!  It was a 'real' date night for Ryan and I, since the only dates we go on are in the water!  :)  That was actually the first Wahine Volleyball game that I've ever attended!  Weird yeah?  I went to the school for 5 years and only after I graduate I go to the game!  Those girls are really good!

Funny story:  We showed up at 5pm, not knowing that there were two games that night, and saw UC Irvine and Saint Mary's playing.  We were so confused!  We totally thought my dad gave us free tickets to a non-UH game!  We even got up and left!  But we saw so many people wearing green walking into the stadium that we stopped to think about it again!  We checked the website and UH was playing, but at 7pm!  We rushed back to the entrance and luckily the guy remembered us and let us back in!  :)  UH won!

Another day of surfing!  Except, the sewers in Manoa leaked into the Ala Wai and there were signs all over that said to stay out of the water.  There were so many people in the water!  Ryan wanted to go too, so we surfed in doodoo water!  Lukily there were no floaters!

Ryan hard at work at the Waterman Challenge at UH!

Working REALLY hard!  :)

Monday, September 6, 2010

Picture Perfect!

It's been really flat all around the island, but I've been able to find some small, fun waves to practice nose riding!   I hope to find some more perfection today!!!

Here's one of my latest paintings, of waves of course, because that's all I've been dreaming about!   I think I'm gonna add in a surfer on the first wave, maybe hanging ten!  :)