Friday, July 2, 2010

Milo Swell

Working on Kane'ohe Marine Core Base has been so much fun!  I've never been on base before, and now I've been able to work in restricted coastal environments and wetlands!  I've seen native and endangered 'ohai, 'akulikuli, milo, hi'iaka, 'awikiwiki, kuluha, Hawaiian Stilt, 'alai'ula, 'alaike'oke'o, and so much more!

We've been removing the invasive California Grass for the past two days.  I hate hate hate California Grass!  It grows super fast, and all the work we did is only temporary.  Our before and after pics are epic though! Check them out!  And don't forget to visit my teams blog!  :)

Here's a picture of a swell that I found in a Milo leaf!  Shoulder to head high!  :)

Here's a picture of a beach that we got to eat lunch at that is located in a restricted area.  I swam in a tidepool and I felt like I was the first person to step foot in it!  I also found some amazing shells (I'll have to post pictures of them)!

And last but not least, my Ryan is finally home!  :)  I love his new mohawk!

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