Thursday, July 29, 2010

Last Week with HYCC

These past 7 weeks have flown by like crazy!  I've had so many fun experiences and have gained so much knowledge!  And for the first time in 5 years, I am now unemployed  :(  But not to worry, I've already started job searching and applying to some cool positions!  All I gotta do is wait now!  :)

For the last week at HYCC, my team worked at Kaiwainui Marsh in Kaneohe with Na Pohaku o Hauwahine and Ulupo Heiau State Historic Site.  Check out the pictures!

This marsh is huge!  This only shows part of it, is'nt it beautiful!

The marsh is nowhere near the ocean shore anymore, but it used to!  See the way the rocks are cut out?  They were eroded this way by waves from the ocean.  A huge landslide occured, which filled in this entire marsh area, all the way to the shoreline where Lanikai is.  Cool yeah?

This is the famous heiau, Ulupo, which is the largest one on the island and it was built with rocks from all over, all the way from the east side to Ewa!

Our team helped build these muddy walkways, so that people can navigate around the marsh.  Carrying buckets of mud all day is hard work! 

We also dug a small pool next to the spring to rinse off in!

Both of these sites are free and open to the public, go visit them!  :)

1 comment:

  1. Awesome job Cass! Your team was on fire!
