Thursday, August 4, 2011

Bombs, Dirt, and Kiawe. Kaho'olawe.

Last week I was in Kaho'olawe for 4 days.  It was simply AMAZING.  I can't wait to go back for a third time.  I was able to get into the water with my mask (forgot my camera housing) and see the beautiful untouched reefs.  It can't compare to anything I've seen.  The colors, the abundance, the life - it's crazy healthy out there!

the rain ko'a that's supposed to "call" rain to Kaho'olawe

whenever there's a blue tag, it means it's an archaeological site

on top of the highest peak, Moa'ulaili, and sitting on the navigator's chair.  from here you can see Lana'i, Maui, and Moloka'i and all the channels between them. Hawaiians would learn navigation, ocean currents, sea faring, and astronomy from here.

some of the unexploded ordinance (UXO) that still remains on the island.

a beautiful Kaho'olawe sunset

a map of the safe and unsafe zones on Kaho'olawe (red = uncleared, green = subsurface cleared to three feet, peach = surface cleared, no digging)

a 200 year old wiliwili tree that has survived the 50 years of bombing

wiliwili blossoms with Lana'i in the background

Sailor's Cap was made when the military blew up three stories of TNT for fun.  it's brackish water and 12 feet deep to the sediment layer.  no one knows how deep the sediment layer is.

girl carrying a bomb (on the paper towel dispenser over the sink)

Moa'ulaili is still a sacred cultural site

these mark tier II, subsurface clearance.

1 comment:

  1. The wiliwili tree is amazing! Are there any on Oahu? Glad you had a fun trip! I hope to make it to that island one of these days :)
