Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Moon at Dusk

Cool shot I took yesterday!  From Diamond Head as we were checkin out the surf.  Big wave pictures coming soon.......

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

HUGE south swell in town!!!

The waves are HUGE for town!!!!  The swell is here!  Will post more photos soon!

Thursday, August 25, 2011


I've got an interview with the Department of Land and Natural Resources next week!!!!  Whooo!!!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


I was doggie baby sitter today at the beach!  :)  Meet Kaikua, a loveable 6month old puppy!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Na Ala Hele

Na Ala Hele is the organization that maintains Hawaii's hiking trails.  They recently had a job announcement for a Field Technician Assistant.  And knowing that my internship will end soon, I applied just because.  Even though my resume is full of ocean-related experience, I was surprised when they still called me in for an interview!  So yesterday was the interview, and I must say, I don't know if I really want the job!  Most of my duties as an assistant would be spraying herbicide on weeds on the trails - easy, but not really my thing.  I applied to other jobs too that involve more ocean stuff, education, or outreach stuff.  It took Na Ala Hele about 2 months to respond to my application and that was the first job I applied for.  Now I'm mostly worried about how long it will take until I hear back from the other positions that are more suited for me.  I hope I hear from them soon!  

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Strolling through the forest

If all goes well on Monday, this might be a regular occurrence and they'll pay me to do it.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Bombs, Dirt, and Kiawe. Kaho'olawe.

Last week I was in Kaho'olawe for 4 days.  It was simply AMAZING.  I can't wait to go back for a third time.  I was able to get into the water with my mask (forgot my camera housing) and see the beautiful untouched reefs.  It can't compare to anything I've seen.  The colors, the abundance, the life - it's crazy healthy out there!

the rain ko'a that's supposed to "call" rain to Kaho'olawe

whenever there's a blue tag, it means it's an archaeological site

on top of the highest peak, Moa'ulaili, and sitting on the navigator's chair.  from here you can see Lana'i, Maui, and Moloka'i and all the channels between them. Hawaiians would learn navigation, ocean currents, sea faring, and astronomy from here.

some of the unexploded ordinance (UXO) that still remains on the island.

a beautiful Kaho'olawe sunset

a map of the safe and unsafe zones on Kaho'olawe (red = uncleared, green = subsurface cleared to three feet, peach = surface cleared, no digging)

a 200 year old wiliwili tree that has survived the 50 years of bombing

wiliwili blossoms with Lana'i in the background

Sailor's Cap was made when the military blew up three stories of TNT for fun.  it's brackish water and 12 feet deep to the sediment layer.  no one knows how deep the sediment layer is.

girl carrying a bomb (on the paper towel dispenser over the sink)

Moa'ulaili is still a sacred cultural site

these mark tier II, subsurface clearance.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Hana Hou Magazine

Been on Hawaiian Airlines lately?  I'm in the Hana Hou magazine!  The article isn't about me, but it talks about REEF, which I do at work.  COOL!