Friday, August 6, 2010

Hot Summer Swell!

I've been surfing everyday!  Me and Ryan went surfing the other day, and I got barreled!!!!  It was huge out there!  Supposedly it was a high surf advisory, but it wasn't as big as they forecasted.  The waves were awesome, and we had the spot to ourselves for at least an hour!  :)  That spot is nice because even when all the other spots are small, this one still has some size!  

I am also proud to say that me and Ryan were the very last ones to paddle in at Queen's last night!  :)  We surfed until the sun went down and then some!  I think we got in around 8:30 pm, it was pitch black!  There were three old guys out there (who think they own the spot) that stayed out past sunset too, but I wanted to outlast them, so we stayed!  And it was soooooooo gooooood!  Ryan got barreled on the inside twice!  I think we actually surf better at night!  Hahahaha we were throwing water all over the place!

I also, finally figured out which combination of sunblock to use so that my face doesn't get burnt when I surf in the middle of the day!
First I put on Neutrogena SPF 70, and then I put Vertra SPF 50 on top!  It makes me look like a ghost, sort of, but it works!!!!!

Yesterday, I started fixing my Doobie, my 5'4" quad.  It's the very first board I ever shaped and glassed, with the help of Ryan!  :)  I originally thought I only had to fix one spot, but as I inspected my board, I found 2 more!  Then, while I was curing the patches, I decided to take all the wax off the deck, and guess what I found?  Another ding!  So I had to fix four total, but now at least it's water tight!  :)  All I have to do now is sand and fill....but that can wait!  And after than, I want to fix all of my other boards that need ding repair, I think I have about three or four more......actually I can't remember which boards need fixing - how many boards do I have again?  I should go count them!

Here is the Doobie, my 5'4" quad, and one of my favoritest boards!  I custom drew the design of the tree on the deck!  :)  It's so beautiful! 

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