Monday, January 9, 2012

College wasnt a waste of time and money

Or was it? Hawaiian Parafail was a joke, no lunch break, 11 hour work days, no sick leave or vacation, no benefits, and a minimal pay. Does it matter anymore that I have a degree? Why is it so hard to find a job with all the experience I have on my resume? All these interviews that I'm going to have nothing to do with my interests. And they all ask me the same question, why don't you find an ocean related job? Believe me I've tried! It's not easy! And numerous people have told me, why don't you work for DLNR? Why don't you work for NOAA? Why don't you work for DAR? Why don't I?!?!? Because there are no job openings! How do I apply if there are no openings?!?!!! Sure I've applied when there's a opening, of course I would apply! But I never get hired, even with all my experience. What's wrong with me???? Yeah I went to college, yeah I've had hands-on experience related to my degree, yeah I should be able to get a job. No way! Not here! No one will hire me. I'll just throw away my degree and sign up for a $9.00 an hour job that I'm overqualified for cause no one else will hire me.


  1. Somebody mad or what? :) take it easy...

  2. I know what you mean. I was singing that tune last year, still am...
