Thursday, September 29, 2011

REEF Fish ID EXPERT Surveyor! 99.5%!

I took the level 5 expert test to be a REEF expert surveyor and I passed with 99.5%!  I am now an expert at identifying most marine life by their common names, although I do know quite a few scientific names too.  This morning, Ryan and I woke up at 5:30am to drive to Hanauma Bay and snorkel on the outter reef.  I've never done that before so I was really excited!  It was so good that we snorkeled for two hours and now I've got a ton of photos to share!!!!!  Ryan took a lot, a lot, a lot of photos of coral and algae, but I don't know most of them so I didn't post them :)  Oh and all of these photos were taken by Ryan!

Juvenile Reef Triggerfish (Humuhumunukunukuapua'a)

Bluestripe Snapper (Ta'ape)

Blacktail Snapper (To'au)

Yellowstripe Goatfish

Bluelined Surgeonfish

Rubbery Zoanthid

Teardrop Butterflyfishes and an Orangespine Unicornfish

False Brain Coral

Pinktail Durgon (Triggerfish)

Sleek Unicornfish

Blackside Hawkfish

Slate Pencil Urchin

Peacock Grouper (Roi)

Saddleback Butterflyfish

Spectacled Parrotfish

Pearl Wrasse

Bird Wrasse

Palenose Parrotfish


Snowflake Moray Eel


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