Monday, July 11, 2011

Queen at Shark's Cove

Me and Ryan saw the Queen yesterday!  What a rare sight!  The Queen is the Queen Nenue (chub) and is the yellow morph of the endemic Hawaiian Chub species.  It's super duper rare, so we were really lucky!  We also spotted three other rare animals: the Crown of Thorns, Spectacles Parrotfish, and Goslin's Fangblenny.

Look, its the Queen!

The Queen Nenue

The invasive Crown of Thorns.  They are poisonous so don't touch!  And they eat live corals, leaving behind a white skeleton.  See, it's eating one now :(  And you can't chop them up because they regenerate and instead of one, you'll have a lot.

School of chubs

School of manini and whitebar surgeonfish

shortnose wrasse

ornate wrasse

Spectacled Parrotfish is rare because of all the fishermen

Goslin's Fangblenny

Unidentified limpet, do you know what it is?

1 comment:

  1. I need to go snorkeling at sharks cove! Its so pretty!
