Sunday, November 28, 2010

Oneil Cat

I went to see the world premere of Innersection the other night.  It's a surfing movie made up of lots of surfers, professional and no-namers, that are competing to win $100,000!  Rob Machado was there, and so was John John Florence, Nat Young, Pat Gudauskas, and Mikala and Daniel Jones.  Matt Meola of Maui was the guy that won the money!  Anyways, I didn't have my camera...And me and Ryan got free hats and free t-shirts!!! 
Our free hat, modeled by our surfing cat, Tuey!  :)

Alive and Well in the MLCD

Today's weather conditions were perfect for a snorkel and a fish survey!  No waves, no wind, plenty of sun!  I went to the Marine Life Conservation District in Waikiki, because it's a no take zone, which means lots and lots of fish!!!!  The survey was very successful!  I identified at least 40 species of fish, not counting the ones I couldn't identify (like all the parrot fishes!).  Check out my photos!  :)  I saw only one Lagoon Trigger, which is really really rare, but I wasn't able to get a picture!

Saw 3 Moorish Idols

Orangespine Unicorns

Saw two Pearl Wrasses!

Many many weke, Yellowfin Goats!

Black Durgon, a triggerfish!

Rare Nenue, Hawaiian Chub, and some other chubs!

Saw only one Mu, Bigeye Emperper

Saw only one Paku'iku'i, Achilles Tang

Saw two Fourspot Butterflies!

Barred Filefish

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Project 118

I'm gonna turn this old board into a new shape! I'm calling it Project 118.
Hopefully I can construct this board without too much of Ryan's help, but with lots of Ryan's supervision!  :)

Rock Piles was fun this morning! Clean, glassy, and building!

Thats some HOT sauce!

At BC Burrito:

Can you handle?  I cannot, Ryan can!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Fish Survey

Pics from my first REEF fish survey! 

 It was conducted in the Marine Life Conservation District in Waikiki, which is often confused with the Fisheries Management Area.  Most locals don't know, but the MLCD is a no take zone, which means you cannot take any fish, coral, rocks, or shells from the area at any time; it's a protected zone.  This is why the reef is healthier and there are more fish.

However, Diamond Head of the MLCD is the Fisheries Management Area , where it is open to the public to fish during every even-numbered year.  So in 2011, it will be closed for the entire year.

The water clarity wasn't great the pics are very bad...

This is a cool pic cause there's 5 different species: a juvenile Christmas Wrasse, 3 Bluespine Unicornfish, 2 Orangespine Unicornfish, 2 Manini (Convict Tang), and a female Bird Wrasse!

The Humuhumunukunukuapua'a (Reef Triggerfish)

'Ulua (Bluefin Trevally)

Juvenile Hawaiian Sergeant

Female Whitespotted Boxfish

Very long Teated sea cucumber

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Benthic Survey

This is from our benthic survey last week!

Juvenille Hawaiian Dascyllus

Setting the transect


Cauliflower Coral

Slipper Lobster

An Ambon Puffer and a Juvenile Bluespine Unicornfish

Hawaiian Gregory

Anyone in Hawaii can do a fish survey!  REEF has come up with a protocol for fish counting that is really fun and really easy!  Visit their website to get started!!!  :)

Friday, November 12, 2010

Benthic Monitoring in Waikiki

Do you think we have enough boards?  No I don't think we have enough boards!  Hahahahaha!  Most of the boards in this photo are Ryan's.  I think there are five in here that are mine, and there are five more that I have at home that aren't in this photo!  Together, we have A LOT of boards!!!

This is the surboard rack that I found for free on Craig's List . I thought it would be perfect for all of our boards!!!  We just had to strengthen it a bit with some bracers and we removed the bottom plywood, and it was good to go!

Just right!  And we even have a little room for a few more!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

V-Land Sesh

Some shots of Ryan at V-Land.

We stopped at Haleiwa and they were building the wall for the Triple Crown Event!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Reef Watch Waikiki

I finally started my internship!!!!  I'm interning with Reef Watch Waikiki and so far it's AWESOME!!!!  I get to snorkel and educate the public about reef fishes and conservation issues!  Check out their blog: Reef Watch Waikiki

There was this surfboard in the office that I really really wanted to try out!!!!  It's a Tokoro!  But it was a prize giveaway and the guy that won it came to pick it up.  And the horrible thing is, he said he doesn't surf!  He should'a gave it to meeeeee!!!!

I've got a brand spankin new laptop to use at work!  And it's got this cool finger print scanner to log on!!!  Sweet!

Beach House!

Another weekend of good eats!!!

Danger, danger!!!

Cute little Kaipua!

Check out the stinger on this bugga!  Ouch!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

King of the World

Kelly just got his 10th world title in Puerto Rico!  Can you believe it!?  He truly is the king of surfing!

In other news, this girl just won the longboard champs at Sand Island!  I think her name is Cassidy...hahahaha

Never quite got to the nose that day, but the waves were really fun!  

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Cat Clinic

Nalu went to the vet today for his annual shots, and this is what he did:

HILARIOUS!!!!  And he was growling like a dog the whole time the vet was looking at him!  He thinks he's a dog or something!  What a scaredie cat!  HAHAHAHA, I love him!