Friday, October 1, 2010

Secret Suicidal Spot

Where do surfer's go to surf big waves and die?  Hahahaha just kidding, this spot's not that dangerous, but it was big yesterday, and Ryan said it was a good idea that I decided to stay on shore.  It was pretty big, not to mention crowded too!  So, while Ryan paddled out, I tried to get some shots of him, but it was so hard because of all the goofballs out there!  It was definitely goofyfoot heaven out there all I saw were goofs and my Ryan is a regular!  But I think I caught him on a few waves....

This isn't Ryan but it was a nice turn!

The goofy lineup...

I'm pretty sure this is my Ryan.  Not the goof on the left, but if you look closely there's another guy getting barreled in front of him on the right!  Ryan said he got barreled close to sunset, I think it's him!  Hard to tell though!

Sunset shot!

Hmmm is it Ryan?  I don't know...

Ryan was like the last guy to paddle in!

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