Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!!!!

The animals in the shark tank at the Waikiki Aquarium know how to celebrate!

Halloween Surfboard!!!

The Mistaken Identity is finished!!!!  Complete with custom sprayed neon green stipes!

Old and New

My Stoker fin (2010) and the Webber fin (1960)

Friday, October 29, 2010

The Parabolic Project

Ryan snapped this board some months ago.  It's a parabolic surfboard.  Instead of having a stringer down the middle of the board, it's along the rails.  I put in some EPS foam into the gaps and sanded them to fit!  I hope Ryan is happy with my handiwork!  Of course it still needs a lot more work, but soon it will be a surfboard again!



Thursday, October 28, 2010


Look at this baby bird I saw today!  It let me get a close up shot of him!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Monster 'Opihi

My Uncle flew in from the Big Island this weekend and showed me his latest finds!  GIANT 'OPIHI!!!!  I've never ever seen them so big!  Only on the Big Island....

He sands them until they're shinny and puts them on necklaces to sell!  You like buy?  :)  I know plenny people who'd love to get their hands on one!  Luckily he's my Uncle; I got mines for free!

The MI is Almost Pau!

Mistaken Identity is almost pau!  Just needs a fill coat, 6 fin plugs, and a week of cure time!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Hairy Crabby

The White Spotted hermit crab at work molted!  He's bigger than my hand!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Chasing Ripples

Ryan and I glassed the other rail today!  It started out really well, and I thought it'd be easier than the first rail we did.  It turned out to be a ripple nightmere!  We were chasing ripples back and forth!  They just did not want to go away!  Ryan's solution: just tape them down!  It isn't the ideal solution, but in our case, it was the only solution!  Professional glassers have vacuum bags, which makes life a lot easier.  Still, I think we did an awesome job! 

Initial glassing = NO ripples!!!!

After the cut lap = Ripples, ripples, ripples!!!!!

Close up of kevlar and carbon fiber.

Carbon Fiber Fun

I helped Ryan glass the rails of his new shortboard yesterday with carbon fiber!  It's something new to both of us, but I think it came out pretty good for our first carbon glass job!

Only one more rail to go!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sew Popo

My Uncle and Aunty do craft fairs all the time!  They make Ugly Dolls, but they're sorta cute!  My Popo helps them make some dolls too, that's why it's called, Sew Popo!  This was my first craft fair that I helped with.  I wasn't expecting to have so much fun!!!! 

Night Lights in the City

My friend is taking a photography class and needed a shot of the cars on the freeway the other night.  Me and Ryan decided to take our own photos!  I was so scared that my camera would fall off the bridge!!!  Good thing Ryan took all the pictures, hahahaha!!!!

My friend was using black and white film.  Hopefully her pictures will come out like our digital pictures!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Project: PSB

A few weeks ago, Ryan bought a couple of blanks that we're supposed to be waterproof EPS.  They looked sort of suspicious, and for good reason!  Upon cutting it open, Ryan discovered that it was a polyurethane board!  Oh well, so much for the carbon rails, I was excited about that!  So, in response to this unfortunate event, Ryan has named his new performance shortboard, Mistaken Identity, and it will be the Ryan Pro Model!  Hahahahaha!!!!  Looks good so far!

It's actually a 5'5", but it looks taller because of the angle...

Nice rocker!

The new board is modeled after this one, a Cino and Ryan's favorite board.  It's since been retired after he buckled it twice and did more than a dozen repairs!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Weekend in La'ie: Day Adventures

More pictures from this weekend!

My dad's birthday!!!!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!

We're so lucky!  Waves right in front of the house!  :)

Enjoying the weekend!

The cutest pit bull EVER!!!  This is Kaipua, she's a cutie!!!!

My lovely Ryan

Where'd the fin go!?  Hahahaha it got ripped off when Ryan was surfing!

Walking on water

He knows how to sell it!  :)

SUP dance!  hahahaha

Waxing up!

Weekend in La'ie: Night Adventures

I had so much fun this weekend!!!  Great food, great company, and lots of fun adventures!

There's A LOT of pictures.  Here's what we found on our night reef walk, using my newly built looking box!!!

Pair of Coral Banded Shrimp

Cornet Fish

I tried to ID this fish but I couldn't figure it out!  My friend thinks its a Stegastes fasciolatus, some type of damsel fish.

Flying Gernard

Half BEak



Sea Hare that inked!  

Green Spiny Lobster

Squirrel Fish

My friend says this is a young Cypraea maculifera or Cyraea mauritiana; Cowrie shells!