Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Ryan is off on his adventure, and soon I will be off to mine with HYCC!

He's doing the first ever UH at Sea this summer!  It's a class about ocean conservation and for three weeks he will be on a sailboat!  Here's where they will be going:

  • Leg 1 O'ahu to Mokumanamana (Necker Island) and French Frigate Shoals (FFS)
  • Leg 2 FFS to Kaua'i
  • Leg 3 Kaua'i to Moloka'i
  • Leg 4 Moloka'i to Maui
  • Leg 5 Maui to the Big Island
  • Leg 6 Big Island to O'ahu
Doesn't that sound like so much fun!?  However, the class comes at a steep price!  But the students will get so much experience by the time it's over, including how to captain a ship!

In one more week, I will start working with Hawai'i Youth Conservation Corps (HYCC)!  There are teams on all the islands; O'ahu has three.  I am one of two leaders for one of the teams and I have 12 high school and college students on my team.  HYCC has prepared a schedule for us to participate in hands-on experiences that highlight important conservation issues in Hawai'i.  Here are the organizations we will be working with:

  • Na Ala Hele
  • United States Marine Corps
  • Natural Area Reserves System
  • Kaho'olawe Island Reserve Commission (KIRC)
  • Ahahui Malama i ka Lokahi
Both of us have an exciting summer coming up!  I will definitely keep you guys updated!

Remember that bird I saw on the Manoa Cliff tral?  It's called a White-Rumped Shama.  There were introduced to O'ahu in the 1960's and are naturally found in Asia, like in India and Sri Lanka. They sing beautiful songs, so next time you go hiking, keep a lookout for them!

I think every post should include a picture (it's makes the post more fun)!  So I will end with this beautiful picture of my friend who works in the forest everyday!  Him and his team climb trees and cut the branches that are too close to the power lines.  Here he is in an Albezia tree, 75 feet up!  Sometimes they climb up to 200 feet high!  What a job!  Click on the picture and you can see him better, he's the little guy in the tree on the right!

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