Monday, January 31, 2011

Rockmover Wrasse

Ryan found this juvenile Rockmover wrasse out by Tongg's this weekend!  Good eye yeah?  They mimic seaweed and they turn over rocks in search of invertebrates (hence the name).

Friday, January 28, 2011

Night Life in Waikiki

These nocturnal critters are hard to get pictures of!

Ryan with a belly full of lead

Oh I thought we were making silly faces!  :)

Squirrel fish


banded wana!

Borradaile Ghost Shrimp

Cardinal fish

porcupine fish

Live Fish Cam

Bored?  Check out the Waikiki Aquarium, South Pacific Barrier Reef cam!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


It's called zoanthid, small anemone-like animals with a ring of tentacles.  I saw this in the MLCD today during a benthic survey!

Stripebelly Puffer

A live Woven top snail!  I turned it back over because it looked like it needed some help!

Brown limu: Turbinaria ornata

Hawaiian Whitespotted Toby

Our state fish: Humuhumunukunukuapua'a

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

In Search of Waves

One day, Ryan and I were on the search for waves.  We checked out the south shores and drove all the way east and still no waves!  We ended up playing in the tidepools in Lanikai.

I've never seen it so glassy - and flat. No waves here.

Our destination

No that's not a chili pepper or a mangrove seed, its Dog the BountyHunter!

I guess we can find something fun to do here...

Oh yeah I forgot I had a beach house over here!

It's a little crowded if you're a Pipipi

Is that an 'opihi?!  Fooled you! It's a false 'opihi!

Man those waves are scary!

This is an 'opihi!



Why is the water blue?  I don't know, but why is that crab hanging out in the blue water?

Monday, January 24, 2011

Look What We Found

in the MLCD yesterday!  These are Spotted Swallowtail Seaslugs, rare according to

Day Octopus

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Photo of the Day

I went snorkeling for work today!  And then surfed after!  Today was awesome!  :)

I even practiced my underwater photography! Check out my photo of the day: I don't know if it's a lizardfish or a goby, it's hard to tell, but I'm gonna find out!

Close up of coral polyps

Rice Coral (Montipora capitata) I had no idea there were polyps in between the warts!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Surf Clips

Small day at Rock Piles. Me and Ryan trying out my new twin fin!  :)


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Big Waves

Here's a video from the day we watched the big waves on the north shore!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Starting the Year Right!

Wow ok January is here!  

I had fun with my cousins from the Big Island!!!

Playing with sparkerlers

And eating apple pie!

And ice skating!

And watching fireworks!